Sir と呼ばれるのは、映画「愛と青春の旅立ち」のラストシーンのみです。しかし、ここでは意図的に
Ma'am でなく Sir にしているように思いますので、資料としては除外しました(後述の「補記」参照)。
長文失礼いたしました。 無銘
<資料詳細> (1)アメリカ陸軍の ROTC(士官候補生課程)では、明確に女性には Ma'am を用いるよう教えています。
Male officers are address by "Sir", female officers by "Ma'am",,
or you may address either by their rank and last name; i.e., "Major
(3)SF Webサイト"SCIFI.COM" に元米陸軍将校の方が下記の意見を寄せています。
"Officers Aren't Always Sirs " (前略)Unless you are trying to insult the officer, you never call a female officer "sir." (中略) While sci-fi, specifically Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek, does not represent the modern military, they clearly borrow the rank structure and chain of command from today's military, why not borrow the correct form of address as well?
"Military Females Deserve Respect" (前略) During my six year in the Marines, you never addressed a woman officer as "sir." They were always addressed as "ma'am." Only male officers were addressed as "sir." In my encounters with Navy personnel, it was the same way.